Thursday, September 20, 2012


When the train chugs into Akron from Canton next year, a very familiar face will be missing.
The train I'm talking about is the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railway train that comes from Canton to stop in Akron and await its twin from Rockside Road in Cleveland.
And the face missing is a Trainman volunteer who became a celebrity of sorts when the Akron Beacon Journal ran a front page story a couple of years ago about his volunteering at the age of 90.
Claude Cooper who passed away this month was an outstanding example of the volunteers who keep the trains running through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
When that Canton train pulled in, you'd see Claude looking out at the gathering crowd and waving a great “hello” to everybody I first met Claude three years ago as a rail rover (a volunteer in a brown uniform who represents the national park aboard the train).
And when I became a Trainman volunteer I got to know the man better.
I don't think he ever ran across a person he didn't like and greet. And he asked no special favors because of his age. He carried out his duties the same as other younger Trainmen.
He was always ready to engage you in conversation...and tell some stories about his 39 years as a Greyhound bus driver and another 25 as a school bus driver.
He didn't stop there, spending another four years as a monitor on a school bus.
I rode with him several times on the train through the park and a couple time on the Canton run. And both times he took me to his favorite restaurant in Canton for lunch.
He also chatted with the passengers particularly the ladies. And a lot of folks recognized him from the front page story and couldn't wait to ask him to pose with them for a picture.
Of course he never refused such a request... I think he got a kick out of all the attention.
I never heard a complaint from him...he was always so cheerful and ready to help do whatever had to be done. And he did rack up the volunteer least 2500.
He was a great example for us older folks...find something you like and stick with it..keep chugging along..with the only rocking you experience is the gently swaying of the train on the tracks.
Claude you will be missed...and I'll watch the sky...maybe you'll be steering that next cloud that looks so much like a train.

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